Call for submissions


We hereby welcome submissions for vol. 3 of Nordic Research in Music Education (NRME). 

NRME is an international peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original, high-quality and current research articles. Articles range widely in terms of empirical, theoretical, philosophical and methodological perspectives and present and debate research in all areas of music education. The journal also includes studies that critically examine the nature and use of research in music education, as well as studies with a cross-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary approach. Book reviews and shorter commentaries on current themes or earlier journal articles are also welcomed.

The online journal encourages both traditional and innovative formats and supports the publication of works that include video, audio or interactive data.

Manuscripts are accepted in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and English. Please refer to the guidelines for authors when preparing your manuscript. See Manuscript Submission Guidelines.

Manuscripts for NRME volume 3 can be submitted through the journal website until December 15, 2021. If you have questions about submitting a manuscript, please do not hesitate to contact Guro Gravem Johansen, Editor-in-Chief,